E-resources access management ****************************************************************************************** * E-resources access management ****************************************************************************************** Provide license details according to ONIX-PL standard [ URL "http://www.editeur.org/8/ONIX If you are not compliant with the ONIX-PL standard provide, please, ALL following details. ****************************************************************************************** * On-site access ****************************************************************************************** For on-site access IP address based authentication should be provided. Current IP addresses ranges for on-site access will be delivered on request at pavlik-ip(z [ MAIL "pavlik-ip(zavinac)cuni.cz"] . We need to know e-resource base URL for on-site access. ****************************************************************************************** * Remote access ****************************************************************************************** For remote access we can support these authentication methods: a) Shibboleth b) proxy server IP address c) institutional login name and password We prefer Shibboleth authentication [ URL "KSISENG-9.html "] . If Shibboleth authenticatio available, then proxy IP address rather then login name and password. In every case we need to know e-resource base URL for remote access. University proxy server IP address: Users are always authenticated by University LDAP server [ URL "https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/in We are using EZproxy [ URL "http://www.oclc.org/us/en/ezproxy/"] system for remote access. ****************************************************************************************** * Federative search ****************************************************************************************** For federative search we need to know z39.50 or SRU, SRW, proprietary XML API or OAI-PMH p As concers Z39.50 protocol we need to know these parameters: Z39.50 server address (for example: octopus.ruk.cuni.cz) Z39.50 server port number (for example: 210) database name (for example: books) user name and password for authentication Federative search engine IP address: Users are always authenticated by University LDAP server [ URL "https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/in We are using MetaLib [ URL "http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/metalib.htm"] search engine for f searching. ****************************************************************************************** * OpenURL linking ****************************************************************************************** Both OpenURL source and target linking should be provided if appropriate. University OpenURL link server base URL is: http://sfx.is.cuni.cz/sfxlcl3? We prefere standard SFX icon to presented to Charles University users: http://sfx.is.cuni. misc/sfx.gif [ URL "http://sfx.is.cuni.cz/sfxlcl3/img/misc/sfx.gif"] - Users are always authenticated by IP address or by University LDAP server [ URL "https://l index.php"] . We are using SFX [ URL "http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/sfx.htm"] link server for OpenURL lin ****************************************************************************************** * Porfolios ****************************************************************************************** For selective e-journals packages we need to be supplied by journals names, ISSNs and avai (available from/to: year, volume, issue, embargo). For aggregate e-journal packages we need to be supplied by packages names. For e-books we need to be supplied by full MARC records. ****************************************************************************************** * Statistics ****************************************************************************************** Statistics should be delivered according to COUNTER 3 standard - XML COUNTER [ URL "http:/ www.projectcounter.org/"] format and harvestable using SUSHI [ URL "http://www.niso.org/co SUSHI_comm.html"] protocol. We are using Verde [ URL "http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/verde.htm"] ERM system for statisti